Monday, September 19, 2011
When it comes to fussy eating, it is definitely not in the genes. We lucked out with our son. From the time he started eating solids, he tried everything. As a toddler, in restaurants, people marveled that he would taste fish, asparagus - you name it. I knew there were fussy eaters out there; I just thanked my lucky stars that our son was not one of them. As he has gotten older, he is a little pickier about eating. Broccoli looks weird to him, so it has to be hidden in cream of broccoli soup. Still, he is a terrific eater who loves tomatoes, strawberries, oranges, apples - and asks for cucumbers as a snack.

Fast forward a few years. Our daughter is the epitome of a fussy eater. When she was about 9 months old this was not apparent; she would take small bites of banana, eat a little bit of apple, gladly eat yogurt. But shortly thereafter, this changed. The sight of a banana would set her screaming. To get a spoon of yogurt in her mouth I would have to try any means to distract her so she wouldn't know what I was doing. Mealtimes are still often such a struggle. Pieces of food end up on the floor, I feel at a loss as to what more I can offer her. (I do like this helpful article from Dr. Sears:

Once in a while I am pleasantly surprised and she'll eat a fairly balanced meal. But the pureed fruits and veggies of babyhood that I managed to keep giving her into toddlerhood no longer work, and for some reason she won't take these foods in small pieces. Yes, I have tried the suggested hiding methods (making mac and cheese with pureed sweet potato instead of cheese), or offering a potpourri of small foods for her to choose from. Mostly these tactics don't work. Once in a great while they do. I hate to say it, but often, I dread when it's time to feed her. And now I know how other parents of fussy eaters feel.

My husband is much better at keeping things in perspective, noting that she is not the only toddler who is a fussy eater, that she'll outgrow it, and reminding me that she is growing well and, according to her pediatrician, developing terrifically. I, sadly, don't have as much patience. But the next time I'm picking up food thrown onto the kitchen floor, I will remind myself what we parents have to say to ourselves so many times: This too shall pass.

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