Thursday, November 8, 2012

Enjoy this post from our guest blogger, Katie Moore, full-time mom and part-time blogger.

Life will change the moment your baby is born, especially when you bring your baby home from the hospital. The change is a good one, though, and soon you and your new bundle of joy will have adjusted to your new routine – together. You’ll work out feeding and nap times, and soon it will be almost impossible to remember a time when your new baby was not a part of your life.

After you have prepared for all of your delivery options, like pain management, cord blood banking, and immunizations, you need to prepare for your everyday tasks with your baby at home—being prepared to for feeding times is one of the most important aspects of being a mom.


If you have decided to
breastfeed your baby, your baby will be receiving many natural benefits through your breast milk—many antibodies help prevent infections that can cause ear infections, respiratory infections, and meningitis. You will find your breastfeeding time to be one of intimate, happy bonding with your baby as well. If you are struggling with breastfeeding, consult a lactation specialist or your doctor. Some women aren’t able to breastfeed for many different reasons and need to seek other feeding options.

Bottle Feeding

No mother who bottle-feeds should feel less than one who breastfeeds. Bonding and closeness during
bottle-feeding times are just as beneficial as those same times during breastfeeding. Your attitude is everything, and your baby's feelings of wellbeing will be a product of that. Many formulas also provide many of the same benefits as breast milk, so there is no need to worry that your baby is not getting the right nutrition.

Feeding Times

Most breastfed babies need to nurse every one and one-half hours, and bottle-feeding babies should nurse every two to three hours in the beginning. Some mothers prefer to put their babies on a regular feeding schedule. It is usually easier though to feed your baby on demand. A baby can set his or her own feeding schedule, and both a mother and her baby will adjust to this very quickly.


In the beginning, babies will want to sleep after eating. Most newborns sleep from 15 to 17 hours per day, waking up every two to four hours. Your baby's brain is still developing, and a baby's time spent in rapid-eye-movement or REM sleep is necessary for the extraordinary amount of brain development.

When your baby takes a nap, you should try to take one yourself. Getting a few minutes of sleep at various times during the day will refresh you and give you the mental clarity and energy you need to keep up with your growing baby.


Most new moms feel like they need to pick up their regular housekeeping schedule as soon as they bring their baby home from the hospital. But this is an unrealistic expectation for new mom. Don't worry about organizing drawers and cleaning out closets. You will benefit more from sleep than from organization!

As long as the dishes are loaded in the dishwasher and the house is relatively uncluttered, you are meeting your goal. Save the deep cleaning for later. Care for baby's needs and your needs first—every day your newborn baby will do something new, whether it is looking at his or her hand or cooing in a special way and you’ll enjoy watching your healthy baby develop.

Katie Moore has written and submitted this article. Katie is an active blogger who discusses the topics of, motherhood, children, fitness, health and all other things Mommy. She enjoys writing, blogging, and meeting new people! To connect with Katie contact her via her blog, Moore From Katie or her twitter, @moorekm26.
Saturday, November 3, 2012
Every year it seems fall flies by and the holiday season is suddenly upon us.

Thankfully, we have plenty of ways to celebrate the fun of the season.

There's just enough time to order an adorable, personalized Thanksgiving plate. Put your precious one's name on it and use it for holiday treats later this month. 

For December, check out our plates for cookies for Santa, signed with your little ones' names. This is a great keepsake item to be treasured for years to come. Our snowman ornaments can be personalized as well; there are also reindeer ornaments to choose from.

We also carry a ton of gift baskets, many of which can be personalized. If you are expecting this holiday season, or know someone who is, this may be just the treat.

Whatever you do this holiday season, may it be a blessed time full of happiness, health and good memories in the making.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Where were you in 1984? I was a teenager, just turning 13, dealing with all of the fun, crazy, confusing aspects of learning to be yourself amidst various pressures from friends and family. Thankfully, the thought of pregnancy at that time was about as foreign to me as taking a trip to the moon.

Fast forward to 2005. My husband and I were ecstatic to confirm the news that I was pregnant, expecting our first child. Before we knew the sex of the baby, we referred to him/her as Baby 167 - about how many heart beats per minute he (yes, it was a boy) had at those first prenatal visits.

The pregnancy guide that hit the shelves in 1984 became not only a bestseller but one of USA Today's 25 Most Influential Books of the Past 25 Years. And I, along with countless other women over so many decades, rushed out to get a copy seven years ago. Of course I am talking about What to Expect When You're Expecting. I sent my much-worn copy to my best friend in Canada when she became pregnant; I had moved on to What to Expect the First Year.

During pregnancy in particular, everything is new. All of the changes to your body are unchartered territory, and sometimes you aren't sure what's normal. And of course as the weeks and months go by, you wonder where your baby is developmentally. This book offers an amazingly comprehensive description of what to expect when you are pregnant, answering all kinds of questions you may have about the changes you are undergoing. The drawings of the fetus, then baby, offer a glimpse into the truly amazing phenomenon of life. It is rightfully the bible of pregnancy for women throughout North America.

At Tot-Bot Baby Gifts, I am so excited to be offering a free giveaway of What to Expect When You're Expecting. Or, the lucky winner may also choose between a copy of either What to Expect the First Year or What to Expect the Second Year. Here's what you have to do:

Follow the Tot-Bot Baby Gifts blog publicly.
Leave a comment explaining which of the What to Expect books you would most want. (What to Expect When You're Expecting, What to Expect the First Year, What to Expect the Second Year). Include your email address.
Like Tot-Bot Baby Gifts on Facebook.

You can enter this contest for yourself or on behalf of someone you know who is pregnant (or has a toddler) who would love to receive a copy of one of these incredible books.

Check out the What to Expect site while you are at it.

Good luck and I look forward to hearing from you!

Monday, July 30, 2012
It has been a great, relaxing summer. I'm hoping for one more visit to the beach before school starts. First grade for our son, first year of preschool for our daughter. A lot of adjustments in store.

Speaking of adjustments, being a first time parent is quite an adjustment. No amount of reading up on it can quite prepare you for the sheer exhaustion, or joy, of it.

If you know an expectant dad, consider some Daddy Scrubs as a gift. On our site, each order of these great, comfy outfits (ideal for the delivery room, and then as pajamas once baby is home) placed in the month of August will come with a free Daddy Scrubs tote bag. It's our way of saying thanks to all the wonderful fathers out there.

Happy end of summer!!
Thursday, June 14, 2012

Summer Solstice is officially June 20, but it sure feels like summer is already in the air. Kids are out of school or getting out very soon. Graduations are happening. Warm weather and longer days make the beach and being outdoors so enticing. One of our favorite outdoor summer evening activities is playing badminton in the backyard.

If you're looking for a good summer read, either for a teen daughter or for a little escapism yourself, a great one to check out is Loving Summer by Kailin Gow. It's a contemporary romance with a little bit of edge, tackling a few real issues teens and families face. The Southern California beach setting makes the book a light, fun read as well. Right now when you get it on Kindle, a bonus copy of The Loving Summer Cookbook: Recipes for Losing Weight and Getting Summer Healthy is part of the deal as well!

Speaking of cooking, light summer fare already sounds so good. Add some fresh fruit like mango, strawberries or watermelon to a favorite salad and voila - instant healthy, tasty dish!

What I love about summer is that it's a time for creating fun family memories. Some of my favorite ones from childhood are riding our bikes until it got dark, waiting for our dad to get home so we could go swimming, and, yes, it's an odd one: watching The Price Is Right with Bob Barker. It was the only time of year we indulged in such leisurely television watching.

Get out there and make some summer memories to look back on for years to come!
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Usually the last day of school is cause for celebration. And in our house, we are excited about the summer, vacation time, and all that goes along with it (brief as it is). But it was such a special, memorable school year that it's sad to say good-bye to it as well.

Our son is days away from finishing kindergarten. What made the year so tremendous was his teacher. She is an amazing combination of kindness, compassion, understanding, plus she can discipline when necessary yet never seem upset or frazzled (I volunteered weekly in her classroom, so I know). This has set such a strong, positive foundation for our son and we couldn't be more grateful.

Coming across someone so positive and with such a good impact, especially upon a child, is a blessing. Teachers touch children's lives so powerfully; exceptional teachers are a true gift.

I have seen progress and maturity in our son over the past school year, and I'm excited about the learning he will continue in first grade. But we will always have sweet memories of his first academic year.
Friday, June 8, 2012
My best friend (who lives in London) recently had her second baby. I wish so much I could be there to lend a helping hand. She had an emergency C-section, has had to deal with mastitis, an infected healing site from the surgery and, as anyone who has had kids knows, the non-stop demands of a newborn, all while trying to get well herself and give some time to her older daughter.

Ads related to newborns, babies and toddlers tend to show the sweet side - an angelic sleeping baby, a happy baby smiling up at the camera. Yes, babies are bliss, but they are also a lot of hard work and the first several weeks of adjusting can even cause some tears from the parents (did I mention my friend's baby also has acid reflux, so feeding her is a challenge as well).

I promised her it will get better, and I know it will. She will get back to good health, the baby will outgrow the acid reflux, everyone will get sleep again. I told her how much I wished I could be there to help, and she said just talking about how she was feeling lifted her mood a lot. Sometimes we all just need someone who will listen and who can understand our problems. Moms - let's all band together. No one else can understand our woes better than a fellow parent.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Just wanted to share my first guest blog, on a site called Mommy Warriors. It's about competition among young kids (in sports) -- how young is too young to encourage serious competition?
Thursday, May 31, 2012
It's been a while since my last blog. I guess that's how it is when you have a 6 year old, an almost 3 year old, freelance writing and editing work and a website. Moms are a busy bunch.

I have added a lot of new products to Tot-Bot Baby Gifts - all kinds of personalized gifts for babies as well as for new moms, and even some items for the new dad.

I'm really excited about offering organic personalized body suits. These come in super cute owl, monster and baby block themes. A perfect gift idea.

Our jewelry for moms features all kinds of exciting new items - personalized pendants with birthstones, boy/girl name and birthstone necklaces and a girl birthstone charm bracelet. With all of the fuss over the new baby, the new mom is sometimes forgotten. These personalized jewelry items are a great way to wow the new mom.

And let's face it - dads do a ton of work nowadays when it comes to taking care of baby. They're up at night along with mom during feedings, they change diapers, some even play Mr. Mom when the real mom goes back to work. Hats off to all fathers! We just added some fun gift ideas for dad - Daddy Scrubs (for the delivery room and beyond) and I'm the Daddy t-shirts and hats.

I love being able to offer such a variety of fun, personalized baby gifts for this special, unique time in people's lives. If you come across something you think would be great for the site, let me know - email me at

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