Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Where were you in 1984? I was a teenager, just turning 13, dealing with all of the fun, crazy, confusing aspects of learning to be yourself amidst various pressures from friends and family. Thankfully, the thought of pregnancy at that time was about as foreign to me as taking a trip to the moon.

Fast forward to 2005. My husband and I were ecstatic to confirm the news that I was pregnant, expecting our first child. Before we knew the sex of the baby, we referred to him/her as Baby 167 - about how many heart beats per minute he (yes, it was a boy) had at those first prenatal visits.

The pregnancy guide that hit the shelves in 1984 became not only a bestseller but one of USA Today's 25 Most Influential Books of the Past 25 Years. And I, along with countless other women over so many decades, rushed out to get a copy seven years ago. Of course I am talking about What to Expect When You're Expecting. I sent my much-worn copy to my best friend in Canada when she became pregnant; I had moved on to What to Expect the First Year.

During pregnancy in particular, everything is new. All of the changes to your body are unchartered territory, and sometimes you aren't sure what's normal. And of course as the weeks and months go by, you wonder where your baby is developmentally. This book offers an amazingly comprehensive description of what to expect when you are pregnant, answering all kinds of questions you may have about the changes you are undergoing. The drawings of the fetus, then baby, offer a glimpse into the truly amazing phenomenon of life. It is rightfully the bible of pregnancy for women throughout North America.

At Tot-Bot Baby Gifts, I am so excited to be offering a free giveaway of What to Expect When You're Expecting. Or, the lucky winner may also choose between a copy of either What to Expect the First Year or What to Expect the Second Year. Here's what you have to do:

Follow the Tot-Bot Baby Gifts blog publicly.
Leave a comment explaining which of the What to Expect books you would most want. (What to Expect When You're Expecting, What to Expect the First Year, What to Expect the Second Year). Include your email address.
Like Tot-Bot Baby Gifts on Facebook.

You can enter this contest for yourself or on behalf of someone you know who is pregnant (or has a toddler) who would love to receive a copy of one of these incredible books.

Check out the What to Expect site while you are at it.

Good luck and I look forward to hearing from you!


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